Author: shbcadmin

Go for it!

The quickest way to lose your joy in life is obsessing over what other people think about it! It’s not their life. If you want to jump out of an airplane, drive across country in a lime green mini-bus or stand on the courthouse steps in your underwear, go for it! People in America have an opinion about anything and everything. Foolishness. If we put as much effort into living our own lives as we do in trying to live somebody else’s, life would be so much better.

By shbcadmin July 3, 2018 Off

No Plan B

    “If we can trust a puzzle company to make sure every piece is in the box, then why can’t we trust God that every piece of our life is there, too?” Stepping out in faith isn’t always easy. Unfortunately, we want to grab hold of the wheel and try to handle life on our own. But when we get to the place where we KNOW that we can’t possibly fix things successfully, we seem to think that God can’t either. We just hope He can do “something”! God can’t be our Plan B. He’s all or nothing. He won’t settle for second place.

By shbcadmin July 2, 2018 Off

Grief and Healing

  ”Grief is like living two lives; one is where you pretend that everything is alright. And the other is where your heart silently screams in pain.” When I hear someone foolishly say, you need to move on, get over it…I know that they haven’t lost someone that meant the world to them. Let me just say that while you’re pretending that everything is okay, there’s someone who knows your heart will never be the same. Today, I am asking God to touch that place deep inside and help you remember the wonderful memories you made while they were here.

By shbcadmin June 30, 2018 Off

Be Nice Going Up

The person you took for granted today, may turn out to be the person you need tomorrow. Do I need to remind you to be kind and respectful? Being taken for granted is hurtful. I don’t care who you are, everybody wants to feel like they matter in life. I remember a quote I read years ago that said, “Be nice going up the ladder because you’ll run into the same people on your way down.”

By shbcadmin June 29, 2018 Off

Keep Moving Forward

Don’t measure your progress using someone else’s ruler. God has a plan for your life and if you’re on schedule with God, does it really matter that one of your friends or family members doesn’t think so. Other people are quick to give opinions, advice and sometimes hurtful comments. This is YOUR life, YOUR walk and I give you permission to live it the way you want to…I know you didn’t need my permission. I thought it might sound more official! LOL…Keep moving forward

By shbcadmin June 28, 2018 Off

Love Wins the Lost

The world loves to call Christians judgmental, unloving and mean spirited. I’m sure there are Christians that fit that description but I don’t and I hope you don’t either. Jesus knows we will win the lost only by our love not by our arguments. So let’s walk in love and kindness and make an impact on the world. That doesn’t mean you have to lay down your beliefs and accept someone elses. It just means you choose to walk in love. Let’s show them who we really are!

By shbcadmin June 27, 2018 Off