Author: shbcadmin

Help with Burdens

  It’s not how heavy the burden but how we carry it that makes the difference. It’s important that we learn to roll those burdens over on Jesus. But there’s more. The Bible says that we need others to come alongside us so please…if you’re going through a really rough time, let someone know that you need somebody to pray and to listen. Jesus and others can help you carry that burden.

By shbcadmin July 10, 2018 Off

Way or Excuse?

I think about how many people tell me they want to grow in the Lord. If you really want something bad enough, you’ll find a WAY. If you don’t, you’ll find an EXCUSE. What is it that you keep saying you want to do? Then ask yourself if you’re finding a WAY to make it happen or making an EXCUSE why you can’t.

By shbcadmin July 9, 2018 Off

Cut the Drama

  “Some people create their own storms and then get upset when it rains.” Word of advice: Cut the drama! No more running around sharing secrets, pitting one person against another by spreading lies, or inviting people into your lives that love to “stir”. YOU can keep drama out of your home and out of your life by walking like Jesus…no gossiping, loving every person you come in contact with and by setting boundaries that keep the enemy out of your life.

By shbcadmin July 6, 2018 Off

Trust God

  God commanded us to LOVE people and TRUST Him. Know the difference. If you get this mixed up and trust the wrong people, it can mean disaster down the road. Too many people don’t know how to keep a secret! You can love ‘em but you can’t always trust ‘em.

By shbcadmin July 5, 2018 Off


  Overthinking is one of the biggest causes of our unhappiness. It sounds like this when it’s in your head: “Why did I say that? Why did I do that? They probably think I’m stupid. Why didn’t I say the right thing? I wish I could take it all back.” Living with regret is exhausting. Overthinking will get you nowhere.

By shbcadmin July 4, 2018 Off


  Overthinking is one of the biggest causes of our unhappiness. It sounds like this when it’s in your head: “Why did I say that? Why did I do that? They probably think I’m stupid. Why didn’t I say the right thing? I wish I could take it all back.” Living with regret is exhausting. Overthinking will get you nowhere.

By shbcadmin July 4, 2018 Off