Seasonal or Lifetime?
As we journey through this life, our paths will intersect with so many people. Just know this:”There’s a difference between seasonal and lifetime people. Don’t get them mixed up or you will expect a lifetime commitment from people that are only seasonal and passing through your life”.
Seasonal or Lifetime?
As we journey through this life, our paths will intersect with so many people. Just know this:”There’s a difference between seasonal and lifetime people. Don’t get them mixed up or you will expect a lifetime commitment from people that are only seasonal and passing through your life”.
Do Better
Do you realize that we can KNOW better and still not DO better? Of course you do! We all do. So what’s the problem? The Holy Spirit will nudge us in the right direction but our flesh wants its own way. There’s a wrestling match going on inside us. Ultimately we listen to one or the other. Listen to the Spirit and you will do better. Listen to your flesh and…well, you know.
Walk in Confidence
Insecure people have a tendency to put others down to feel confident and better about themselves. You can hear it in the judgmental words they speak. Confidence isn’t what you think it is. Confidence isn’t about walking into a room and thinking you are better than everyone else. It’s about walking into a room and not having to compare yourself to anyone in the first place. Praying today that you don’t ever compare yourself to someone else again.
Look in Mirror
Looking for a man or woman to change your life? If you’re still looking for that one person who can change your life, look in the mirror. People can’t change you or make you happy. It takes you and Jesus working together both to change you and make you happy!
Time to Unplug
Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes, including YOU! So if you need to “recharge”, maybe it’s time to “unplug” from the world….and that includes a day without your cell phone, internet and FB {but only after you hit like on this post}.