Optimist or Pessimist?
Winston Churchill said “The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty”. So, which are you? Pessimists sees the world through the eyes of negativity. They are quick to complain, to walk in fear and avoid taking risks at all cost. Optimists see life through the eyes of possibilities. They are quick to give thanks, see the best in people and aren’t afraid to take a step of faith.
Look Around
When you go home tonight, look around you. Take a good LOOONG look. All that “clutter” used to be money. God expects us to be wise with our money. If you want to know where your money is going, look around and then look at your checkbook. If you’re surrounded by clutter, if you’re making too many payments or if you spend all your time on upkeep, you might want to ask God if you’re making wise choices.
Past Doesn’t Define You
”Your past doesn’t have the power to define you…unless you let it. Don’t do it. When you focus on the future, it’s quite literally yours for the taking. Every single beautiful thing you could possibly want or imagine could be yours”. Every morning God has new things for us to experience. You can’t do that holding on to the weight of yesterday.
Battle for Prayer
Have you ever had to battle to get into prayer? You know you should, but you find yourself putting it off or pushing it to the back of your mind. It requires constant self-motivation and it’s exhausting. That’s because we think of it as a religious ritual and it’s difficult to maintain. But if prayer is our opportunity to talk to the God we love {like a cherished friend}, we will keep coming back over and over…and it’s a joy. Ask Him to give you a powerful, wonderful prayer walk and your relationship with Him will grow stronger every day.
Be at Peace
Be at peace with your past. It’s over and done. You had times of laughter and times of tears, but you didn’t leave empty handed. You took with you everything that you need for today. So, be in love with your present. It’s such a gift and every good and perfect gift is from God. And finally, be excited for your future. So much ahead for all of us!
Guide Your Steps
Don’t ask God to guide your steps if you aren’t willing to move your feet in the direction He takes you. No excuses, no dragging along…if you ask, then jump in with both feet. There are some amazing things in your future. But one of the requirements is stepping out in faith. God will never take you to a place that He hasn’t already prepared for you!