Guard your Peace
Anything that costs you your peace is too expensive…learn to let it go! It may be words spoken or an unkind act. It may be thoughts that run through your mind or drama brought to your door by a family member or a friend. Whatever it is, let it go. God will keep you in perfect peace when your mind is “stayed” or anchored on Him. Guard your peace! Life without it brings turmoil and confusion. We weren’t meant to walk there
A Good Today
Don’t ruin a good TODAY by thinking about a bad YESTERDAY. No amount of guilt, regret or shame or hurt can change the past and no amount of worry can change the future. So live today free and clear. It really is called the PRESENT for a reason. God’s gift to you. Enjoy!
They Don’t Understand
We can’t expect everyone to understand our journey, especially if they’ve never had to walk in our shoes. They don’t know the depth of the pain, the heartache, the times we’ve wept in the night. They don’t know how many times we’ve cried out for God to show us what to do. So the next time somebody makes a judgment call about how you live your life…remember, they just don’t know what you’re going through today and then pray they never have to!
Holy Spirit Life
”Trying to live the Christian life without the Holy Spirit, is like trying to see without eyes, hear without ears or breathe without lungs.” It can’t be done! If you’re still letting your emotions lead you, then you’re controlling the show and you will never see the results God could have given you. So stop spinning your wheels and let the Holy Spirit guide you, strengthen you and take you from adventure to adventure. Best guide ever on this path called life!
Makes No Sense
God is right on when He says we don’t think like Him! I have to admit that sometimes He doesn’t make a lick of sense to me. Like telling Moses’ mother to take him down to the Nile River and leave him…or when He sent Elijah to be fed by the woman who was down to her last meal. Do you know that so many God-ordained dreams die because we aren’t willing to do something that seems illogical? If you’re in a place in life that just doesn’t make any sense, hang on! God is full of surprises!
Rejection is Painful
Rejection is painful to say the least. It hurts when someone doesn’t want to be with us anymore. We keep wondering what we could have done differently, what we could have said that would made them stay…and we question why we weren’t good enough. Remember this: There’s not one person walking this earth that’s worth us laying awake at night feeling like we’re not good enough.