Author: shbcadmin

Being Alone

  Have you ever thought that the worst thing in life is to end up alone? It’s not. Let me tell you what’s worse. It’s ending up with people who make you feel alone. That leads to feelings of worthlessness and you can’t help but wonder what you’ve done to deserve the silent treatment.

By shbcadmin August 5, 2018 Off

Just Walk Away

  Make it a habit to do a lot of walking away in life…Walk away from arguments that lead to anger. Walk away from people who deliberately put you down.” Walk away from gossip, judgmental attitudes, and unkindness. And when drama rears its ugly head…just keep walking and never look back. “The more we walk away from things that poison our soul, the healthier our life will be”.

By shbcadmin August 4, 2018 Off

Great things

Great things always start on the inside. We have to believe it before we can see it. We can never rise higher than what we believe. That’s why its important to believe God’s truth about ourselves…not the lies of the devil. If what we’re believing is taking us to a better place, its God. If its Satan, it will always pull us down and bring fear.

By shbcadmin August 1, 2018 Off

Can’t Out Run Problems

  Have you ever wondered why your problems keep following you? Running away from your problems is a race you’ll never win. Sometimes you have to stop and take a good look at those problems and ask yourself why you keep facing the same things over and over again. My guess is that you are EXPECTING the worst…you look for it, talk about it and believe it. You will receive what you believe….good or bad.

By shbcadmin July 31, 2018 Off


Rejection is the enemy’s way of saying “see, I told you nobody wants you, loves you or even cares about you”. When you’re rejected by a loved one, an employer, a church, an organization, a friend…it hurts but you have to stop listening to your emotions. Some people can’t go with you…they were only in your life for a season. Know that God is turning you in a different direction. His purposes will prevail no matter what the world says or does.

By shbcadmin July 30, 2018 Off

Don’t Listen to Yourself

  Don’t listen to yourself because you can talk yourself out of anything! The Bible says to cast down “imaginations”. That means to stop reasoning things out in your head. And stop taking advise from your friends who can’t get their own life together! Sometimes you just have to go with God and leave the reasoning to the world…it’s all they’ve got! We walk by FAITH and not by sight

By shbcadmin July 29, 2018 Off