Planting Seed
Whatever “seeds” you’re planting with your mouth and your thoughts…they are creating the harvest you will live with every day. Seeds of “worry and unbelief” will cause you to walk in fear, turmoil and defeat. If you don’t like the crop you’re producing, perhaps (just a suggestion!) you should take a look at the seeds you’re planting every day! LOL! Some of us need a crop failure! Change your thoughts and words so that they line up with God’s Word and your “crop” will be on track! Ready to give it a try?
You May Be a Nut
The tallest oak in the forest was once just a little nut that held its ground. That’s good news for most of us! You may look like a nut and feel like a nut but look at where you’re heading. Your future is bright!
Inner Man is Awesome
I just read this and could relate. “We all have those days when we THINK we are as swift as a gazelle…but it turns out it’s an old one. With arthritis. Run over by a Land Rover. Eight days ago”. Take heart my friends. The Bible says that our outer man dies daily but our inside “spirit” man is constantly being renewed. At least we are swift as a gazelle on the inside even if it doesn’t show on the outside. So keep running the race…you’ve got this!
Don’t Lose Sleep
”’Don’t worry about those people that don’t like you. Last time I checked the road to heaven wasn’t through their yard.” You are on your own journey and some people will love you and some people won’t. We only have one yard to walk through and that’s the one that leads to Jesus. So don’t dwell on the people that don’t like you. You can’t help it if they have bad taste in friends! Pray for them, be kind to them but don’t lose sleep over their decision to dislike you.
You are a Seed
”Those people who tried to bury you didn’t know you were a seed”. They thought when they threw dirt on you that you were going under. They didn’t know that you were just gathering strength and there would come a day when you would come forth with power from on High!
Love No Place to Go
Grief is really just love with no place to go. What we grieve over is what we loved so much and then lost. And as the love gathers up in the corner of our eyes, it spills out at random times. It’s okay…it’s just love with no place to go.