Author: shbcadmin

Love the Lord

  When we are in the wilderness, God commands us to love Him when we can’t see him. “That’s like believing we are well when we are sick, to sing for joy when we are dying of thirst, to run when our legs are broken.” But this really is the first great commandment… Love the Lord thy God with all you are…even in the wilderness.

By shbcadmin August 21, 2018 Off

Pass the Love

The life we touch for good will touch another life, and in turn another, and who knows where the ripple effect will end…your touch goes on and on. One of my favorite people texted me the other day and made me smile! Years and years ago, when she was little, I started telling her the following: Love you little, love you big. Love you like a china pig. She is passing that on to her children today….and the ripples of love keep going.

By shbcadmin August 20, 2018 Off

Treat People Right

  Don’t treat people the way they treat you. Treat people the way GOD treats you. Now that raises the bar!! God loves without limits, encourages continually and cares more about others than self.

By shbcadmin August 18, 2018 Off

Past and Present

The past is a place of reference not a place of residence. Never get that mixed up. The past makes us who we are today but it was a season and we have walked out of it. If you get this mixed up, you will “live” in the past and set down an anchor…and you will be stuck. Along with living in the past comes feelings of regret, shame, guilt and sadness. We were created for more!

By shbcadmin August 16, 2018 Off

Closed Doors

God knows that sometimes He has to close doors because it’s time for us to move forward. He knows we won’t move unless our circumstances force us to. Trust the transition. Don’t grieve over that closed door. It’s for our good. God’s got this…wait till you see what happens next!

By shbcadmin August 15, 2018 Off

Victory Walk

You were never created to live depressed, defeated, guilty, condemned, ashamed or unworthy. You were created to be victorious. You have to believe it to walk in it. If you are battling depression today, you are focusing on the wrong thing. Change your thoughts and think about Jesus and His Word and you will change your life.

By shbcadmin August 14, 2018 Off