Author: shbcadmin

You’re Amazing

”You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, smarter than you think and loved more than you know”. Whatever you’re going through today, you need to remember what I just said. You truly are an amazing creation. You may not know it, but everybody else does! Isn’t it time to change your thinking?

By shbcadmin September 6, 2018 Off

You are Enough!

You are ENOUGH just like you are…You don’t have to prove your worth to anybody at any time. Hold your head high and thank God for creating you with such great love and precision. The next time someone even hints that you have no value or are LESS THAN, you need to say: God says “I’m enough” and that’s all that matters to me.

By shbcadmin September 5, 2018 Off

Open Your Hand

  Sometimes you have to open your hand and let something go so that God can give you something better. When you feel a nudge in your spirit that you have to “let go” of a sin, an attitude, or a relationship, when you let it go, you will be amazed at what God can do. Too many times we settle for the wrong thing when the right thing is so much better.

By shbcadmin September 3, 2018 Off

Just Breathe

Wherever you are just breathe…breathe deep. You are stronger than you think. You can handle whatever comes your way. You walk in wisdom {on most days} and make good choices. Don’t let the temporary things of life overwhelm you. Run to the One who knew what you would face today and He already knows what you will walk through tomorrow…and He has everything you need to overcome one day at a time.

By shbcadmin August 31, 2018 Off

Redirected to Better

Looking back through the years, you will find that the times you THOUGHT you were losing something good, you were really being REDIRECTED to something better if you belong to God!! Thank You God for redirecting me from my foolish decisions, wrong choices, and bad relationships. Thank You God, that when I was holding on to something that looked good and even might have been good for somebody else, that you loved me enough to say “Trust me…I have something better…open your hand and give me the good so I can give you the best!”. Anybody been there, done that?! Maybe you’re there right now…years of wisdom has taught me to give you this advice…open your hand!!

By shbcadmin August 30, 2018 Off

Be Happy

Do you want to be right or do you want to be happy? Always getting the last word, always telling someone you were right is downright irritating to the one you’re talking to. So as a wise ol’ white haired lady always says: “It’s better to be happy and keep your mouth shut”. The rest of the world will appreciate me for telling you that.

By shbcadmin August 29, 2018 Off