Author: shbcadmin

Don’t Pretend

  Don’t pretend to be something you’re not. It’s exhausting. Trying to look one way on the outside but feeling totally different on the inside wont’ work for very long. One thing I’ve learned is that when you pretend to be something you aren’t it’s because you’re afraid people won’t like the REAL you. If they don’t like the real you, then they have no business in your life. You deserve somebody who loves you just the way you are.

By shbcadmin September 15, 2018 Off

Give Up!!

Now here’s something you don’t hear me say very often. I want you to give up! Give up people pleasing, doubting yourself, and thinking negative thoughts. Those all come from a place of insecurity. You are valuable in the eyes of God. You are more than enough and you were created to walk an amazing power packed life. So GIVE UP the negative and grab hold of the positive!

By shbcadmin September 14, 2018 Off

Lonely Walk

The loneliest walk you’ll ever take is the one down the road of grief. People mean well when they say “I know how you feel” but there’s not another living soul that knows how you feel. They may have experienced the same thing but we all process life…and death, differently. Trying to hold on to the memories while trying to move forward is difficult on a good day…and nearly impossible on others. Hold on to one thought: God’s Holy Spirit knows exactly how you feel and what you need just to get through the day. Hold on to Him and let Him heal your heart…one tiny piece at a time.

By shbcadmin September 13, 2018 Off

Be Yourself

”Be yourself. Everyone else is taken.” You were designed by the Master Creator and He did an amazing job on you! Stop looking at your faults, failures and flaws and start looking at yourself the way God sees you. You were created with the ability to do great things, to flow in love and to operate in strength. Don’t sell yourself short by pretending to be something you’re not or by hiding the wonderful YOU. Hold your head up and be yourself. God “don’t make junk”. Got that?!

By shbcadmin September 12, 2018 Off

Be Happy!

Today is the day to make your mind up to be happy. Don’t wait for things to get better…that may be a long way down the road. Life will always be complicated. Don’t wait for your spouse to change, your job to get better or your finances to suddenly take an upturn. We don’t’ know how many years we have on this earth, but we can choose how we walk through them. Let’s choose to walk happy TODAY. Otherwise, we might just run out of time.

By shbcadmin September 11, 2018 Off

Holy Spirit Guides Us

Don’t let the noise of other people’s opinions drown out what God says about you. It’s amazing to me how many people think they are such experts on other people’s lives. Most of the time, they don’t do too well managing their own. God always has wonderful things to say about you. If you doubt me, take a look in His Word…it may surprise you to find that other people’s opinions don’t really matter. The Holy Spirit wants to take you along life’s path…we sure don’t need some rogue pathfinders to get us off track with their opinion.

By shbcadmin September 7, 2018 Off