Author: shbcadmin

They Believe in You!

  Surround yourself with people who see greatness in YOU. They’re the ones who are always encouraging you and getting excited when you do something good. They never seem to see your flaws or weaknesses and they sure never point them out. Praise God for family and friends who see your greatness even before you walk in it! They believe in you!

By shbcadmin September 24, 2018 Off

Ears and Mouths

  Every word in the Bible has purpose. God doesn’t do anything by accident, even if we don’t “get it at the time”. God gave us mouths that close and ears that don’t. Wonder if it would change our lives if we “got” what He’s trying to tell us and rarely talk and always listen? We might be surprised at what all we would learn!

By shbcadmin September 23, 2018 Off

Just Rest

Rest. Just rest. Don’t tell me you have too much to do. Don’t tell me your family can’t make it alone even for one day. Set some boundaries in your life…for you. No guilt, no worry…just rest. You need to be revived. Jesus promises rest to those that seek it. Rest physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. When you’ve rested, then you can jump forward and be what you were created to be…but plan a YOU day…and whatever relaxes you, go for it. You’ll be glad you did and so will those you minister to.

By shbcadmin September 21, 2018 Off

Say Yes!

Learn to say yes to yourself. Yes you can. Yes you’re worthy. Yes, you’re enough. Give yourself permission to love the person you are…with all your quirks and flaws. You have value that was placed on you by your Father. So say yes! ‘Yes, I love the person God made me to be!”

By shbcadmin September 18, 2018 Off

Don’t Blame Others

Stop blaming other people. Nobody can make you DO what you don’t want to do. Nobody can force you to SAY what you don’t want to say. God gave every one of us the ability to say no…to set a boundary. But the choice is yours. But if you follow anybody but God, don’t blame other people. You just made a bad choice.

By shbcadmin September 17, 2018 Off

Not Their Walk!

Sometimes the people around you won’t understand your journey. And that’s okay. They don’t need to, it’s not for them. God has laid down a path just for you. That’s why people can’t tell you what to do. They don’t know the plan and God will only reveal it to you. So keep moving forward and ignore those who want to direct your walk.

By shbcadmin September 16, 2018 Off