Travel Light
I do love fall with all its beauty. From the colors to the crunch of leaves under my feet, the cooler temperatures just make me feel good all over. I think it’s amazing that even the trees can teach us something. They show us how lovely it is to let things go. What do you need to let go of…a bad relationship, a controlling spirit, or maybe a negative attitude? Only you knows what you need to drop. There’s a new season on the horizon! Travel light.
Last Love
Being someone’s first love may be great, but to be their last is beyond perfect! Here’s a shout out to all of you lovebirds out there. Whether you’ve been together 50 days or 50 years, enjoy your time together. And if your “last” love has passed away, that doesn’t mean the love stops. It’s just replaced by loving memories.
I Love You
Who did you say “I love you” to today, including both the two legged and four legged types? If your answer is nobody, you still have time to make it right. One of the biggest regrets people have is that they wished they had told someone they were loved. And fellas, just because you told her you loved her when you got married and nothing has changed, doesn’t mean you can’t say it every day… just sayin! Make an unexpected call and surprise someone today. Just don’t tell them I told you to…you can take all the credit!
Your Perspective
Life is all about perspective. One reason people resist change is because we have a tendency to focus on what we have to give up, instead of what we have to gain. Spiritually, we know God wants us to walk close to Him. But the thought of giving up a few hours sleep to be in His presence just isn’t something we want to do. Physically, we want to lose weight but we don’t want to give up our carbs. What are you keeping your eyes on? What you do you have to give up or what you have to gain??
A Good Word
Here’s a word for someone today. Don’t you give up! Don’t you quit. You just keep walking, one step at the time. You keep trying. There is help and happiness ahead. It will be alright. Trust God and don’t lean on your own understanding. You don’t see what God sees!!
Living Loved
You are living loved in the goodness of God! No matter where you are in life…don’t give up on yourself. God hasn’t. He has loved you through every fault, every failure and every wrong turn. He knew you would slip even before it happened. But His love was big enough to hold onto you forever. Oh how He loves us. So let’s stop putting ourselves down thinking God is angry with us!