Author: shbcadmin


  ”Never hold on to anything tighter than you’re holding on to God.” Kathryn Kuhlman used to say “Don’t grieve the Holy Spirit, He’s all I’ve got”. Oh to get to the place where everything in life fades to the background and all we see is Him. When we let Him take center stage in our life, He will flood every area of our life with His love and goodness. Let Him surprise you every day!

By shbcadmin October 14, 2018 Off

Faith Holds Tight

  ”Faith is not about everything turning out okay. Faith is about being okay no matter how things turn out.” How many people have gotten angry with God and walked away because He didn’t do what they wanted Him to do? God is ALWAYS working even when it doesn’t feel like it or look like it. Faith involves accepting God’s answer even when we don’t understand it. Faith holds tight.

By shbcadmin October 11, 2018 Off

Good Words

“Some things are better left unsaid. Which we generally realize right after we’ve said them.” Words are one thing you can never take back so choose them carefully and release them wisely. What would happen if we only spoke encouraging, uplifting, positive powerful words? Never critical, judgmental, or opinionated. Hate words are never acceptable, I don’t care who you are!

By shbcadmin October 9, 2018 Off

Good Words

“Some things are better left unsaid. Which we generally realize right after we’ve said them.” Words are one thing you can never take back so choose them carefully and release them wisely. What would happen if we only spoke encouraging, uplifting, positive powerful words? Never critical, judgmental, or opinionated. Hate words are never acceptable, I don’t care who you are!

By shbcadmin October 9, 2018 Off

Believe Right!

  Do you know that you will never go beyond what you believe about yourself? Do you see yourself as more than a conqueror?” Do you see yourself as a winner? An overcomer? “There are people less qualified than you, doing the things you want to do, simply because they decided to believe in themselves. Period.” So if you want to change your life, change what you believe about YOU!

By shbcadmin October 8, 2018 Off

Thrive, Not just Survive

  I don’t want to just survive, I want to thrive; and do so with a lot of passion, compassion, humor and style. How about you? I don’t want to spend every day crawling out of bed, doing the same thing I’ve done for the last few years, gulping down meals, hurrying nowhere at a rapid rate of speed and dropping into bed exhausted. No way! That’s not living…I want to make a difference every day of my life. How about you? Point us to our next assignment Lord. Step into our days and stir us up to break the deadly, dreary routine we’ve gotten into! It’s time to live and it’s time to thrive.

By shbcadmin October 7, 2018 Off