Holding a Grudge?
I hope you know that holding a grudge is like letting someone live rent-free in your head. And I might add that they cause a lot of problems while in your head…your sleep isn’t good, your mind keeps going over and over what THEY did and you can’t seem to move forward. Whatever they did or didn’t do, let it go. It’s messing up your mind, destroying your peace and keeping you bound in unforgiveness. Use your head for more important things!
Don’t Give Up
Hey you, don’t give up okay? You’re allowed to scream. You’re allowed to cry. Just don’t give up. I know life can get crazy but you don’t have to cave in. You have the Spirit of God dwelling inside you so buck up! Head up, square those shoulders back and keep your eyes on Jesus…and keep moving forward.
Help Me Grow
The rose bush cried out “God help me to grow. It started raining.” We cry out “God help us to grow. And the storms of life hit”. Why are we surprised? And why do we beg Him to stop the rain and bring clear sunny skies? God uses the rain to cause us to grow just like the rose….same results! We are going to be on display one day and our beauty will begin to shine through.
Road of Life
Driving down Jasper Road, I see squirrel after squirrel running first one way and then another. Be decisive. Right or wrong, make a decision. “The road of life is paved with flat squirrels who just couldn’t make a decision.” Hold that thought the next time you find yourself in that spot.
What Do You Want
I’d do anything to lose weight except exercise and eat healthy. I’d do anything to grow in the Lord except read the Bible and pray. I’d do anything to be a better person except walk in self-discipline and guard my mouth. Are you getting the drift? What would you give anything to do but refuse to do what it takes to get there?
Give it Away
You can’t give to others what you don’t have inside. To give love, you have to be filled with love. To give peace, you have to have peace flowing through you. To give joy, there has to be a well of joy bubbling in your spirit. Take a look at the world we live in. What do you see people handing out to others? Is it love, joy and peace or hate, anger and drama? Be sure to fill yourself with the right thing!