Author: shbcadmin

You Are Royalty

On the darkest days when you feel inadequate, unloved and unworthy, remember who you belong to and straighten your crown! You are the child of a King. You are more than a conqueror through Christ Jesus. You are not the person you used to be…nope, not anymore! You are royalty…now walk like it, talk like it and believe that you are an overcomer in Jesus name!

By shbcadmin October 26, 2018 Off

No Bones about It

The tongue has no bones but it’s strong enough to break a heart. So be careful with your words. Too many times we hurt the ones we love by speaking harshly and saying things we shouldn’t. Words spoken can build a relationship or break a heart. And “little ears” are especially vulnerable…”love words” win every time.

By shbcadmin October 25, 2018 Off

Two Keys!

Two keys to know in life. God is always good and the devil is always a liar. If you get those straight, you can trust your God to walk you through life. You won’t blame Him when things fall apart or when you feel condemned. You’ll know that the devil is messing with your mind. Never fear! God will bring good out of all things to those that love Him and are called according to His purpose.

By shbcadmin October 24, 2018 Off

Listen Silently

Listen and Silent are spelled with the same letters. Think about it. Those two words are a pathway to hearing the voice of God. As we sit silently and listen, God can impart some amazing things in our lives. That’s one of the reasons that God speaks during the nighttime hours because it’s the only time we’re quiet! We say we’re just too BUSY to settle down and listen. Just remember this: B-U-S-Y…Buried Under Satan’s Yoke. Pretty sure it would do us all a whole lot of good to learn the art of silently listening.

By shbcadmin October 23, 2018 Off

Prepare the Horses

  The Bible says in Proverbs 21 that man can get the horses ready for battle but God Himself gives the victory. Are you getting your horses ready? Are you preparing for each day? I was pondering this today and it really spoke to me. When I prepare to teach…which means time with God, research, study and sometimes chasing rabbits…I am really getting the horses ready. I’m not in charge of the victory, God is. All we can do is our best in this life and be ready in season and out of season by working with the “horses”.

By shbcadmin October 22, 2018 Off

Check Worry Meter

Worry is both exhausting and non-productive. Do you know that worry comes from a word that means “to divide”? When we worry, we are dividing our energy. No wonder we’re drained after a full day of fretting and stewing over the littlest (and biggest) things. I probably shouldn’t have to tell you that trusting God pushes worry out the door. Have you allowed worry to come in and get comfortable? Do you visit with him at lunch time, bed time, over morning coffee? If you’re too pooped to pop, you might want to check out your “worry meter”.

By shbcadmin October 22, 2018 Off