Two Big Lies
“The two biggest lies our culture believes today are that we are good people and that, because God is loving, He will not punish sin.” Those are lies that fill too much of our culture. Please understand that being a good person won’t get you into heaven. It’s repenting of sin and accepting Jesus as Lord and Savior. He would love to see all of us with Him one day but that’s our choice. As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.
After Your Future
It’s interesting to me that the devil doesn’t care about your past. He’s done with it. But what about you? Are you done with it? Satan is interested in your future not your past! Why do you think Satan keeps your “thoughts” anchored in the pain and shame of yesterday…He knows exactly what your future will look like if you climb out and move forward! Don’t believe his lies…just take one step at a time.
Worth Knowing
It is better to seek to be worth knowing instead of being well known. If you love people, love to laugh, have compassion and are a good listener, people will flock to you. And if you have Jesus in your heart and you walk out what this Word has to say, it makes you a person worth knowing. Having your name up in lights and having everyone know your name means nothing in the big scheme of things…Trust me, it’s better to be a person that’s “worth knowing” each and every day.
When you stop chasing the wrong things, you give the right things a chance to catch you. Before you were born, God had written the pages of your life. He knew what you would do and where you would go even before you took your first breath. So when you relax and let go of things that don’t belong to you, you’ll find the right one will be right around the corner.
Not Normal
”You are not normal. You say yes when others say no. You rise while others sleep. You are better today than you were yesterday. You do what others won’t. You are on a journey. Make it a good one.” God has His eye on you!
You Have a Story
Everybody has a story that can help someone else. That divorce that broke your heart, the precious baby you had out of wedlock, the cancer that hit so unexpectedly all can be used to help someone who is going through the same thing. They need to know that they aren’t alone….Remember that God can bring good out of all things for His sons and daughters. He just needs your voice.