Author: shbcadmin

A Gentleman

  I want to thank every mom and dad out there who raised their boys to hold the doors open for the ladies. That shows respect and in this day and age, your boys stand out like a shining star. Being male is a matter of birth. Being a man is a matter of age. But being a gentleman is a matter of choice.

By shbcadmin November 28, 2018 Off

Math Problem

God’s math is so different than ours. We want to “keep score” in life. Somebody does us wrong and we tuck that offense in the back of our minds. And five years from now, we can still remember what they said…but God says we have to “lose count”. That means we have to let things go. We have to let go of the “three strikes, you’re out” rule and live by God’s rule that says we have to forgive 70 times 7…The number of completion.

By shbcadmin November 27, 2018 Off

Study the Promises

Quit studying the problem and start studying the promises. It won’t do a lick of good to look at your problems over and over. They don’t change. If anything, the constant dwelling on them makes them appear bigger and scarier. Get in the Word of God of God and look at His promises. Start mulling them over in your head. The problems will look a whole lot smaller when you shine the light of the Word on them. And the Bible says He will keep you in perfect peace when your mind is on Him.

By shbcadmin November 26, 2018 Off

Guard Your Reputation

”If you have to sneak to do it, lie to cover it up, or delete it to avoid it being seen then you probably shouldn’t be doing it at all”. I’m pretty sure this is Basic Christianity 101 but I’m amazed at how many people park their brains by the front door and plow right in where angels fear to tread. You can take years building your reputation as a godly man or woman and one lapse in judgment can wreck it. Guard your reputation.

By shbcadmin November 24, 2018 Off

32 days left!

  Lord, calm our hearts. Heal our souls. Uplift our spirit. And take away our fears and anxiety. Let unkind words spoken roll off of us like water off a duck’s back. And let every good memory and kind word fill our heart with joy. We are about to embark on the next holiday season. Praying peace flow through you each and every day. Should I mention that it’s 32 days till Christmas?

By shbcadmin November 23, 2018 Off


If Christ wouldn’t, you shouldn’t. What am I talking about? Everything! If Christ wouldn’t say it, you shouldn’t say it. If Christ wouldn’t go to “that” place, neither should you. If Christ wouldn’t act like that, then you shouldn’t act like that. I remember the bracelet I used to have with WWJD on it…What would Jesus do? If we know what He wouldn’t do, then we know exactly what He WOULD do…and so should we.

By shbcadmin November 13, 2018 Off