Author: shbcadmin

Ups and Downs

Life isn’t always easy. It’s full of ups and downs and sometimes you may feel overwhelmed by what you see. But God is still writing your story. Are you telling Him how to fill the pages? Are you telling Him what He needs to do? Are you telling Him the ending you want to see? Here’s some good advice: ”Quit trying to steal the pen.” God is working all things together for your good! Give Him time. It’s not over till God says it’s over!

By shbcadmin December 6, 2018 Off

Overcome Your Mess

There’s not one person reading this that can honestly say that you haven’t said or done things you regret. And some of you were a mess…a big mess. Don’t waste the mistakes and pain of your life. God can turn your greatest failure into a powerful testimony. So many people need to hear how you made it through, how you overcame the “mess”. Because if they see you did it, they see hope that they can make it too.

By shbcadmin December 5, 2018 Off

Tend to Your own Knittin!

  A flower doesn’t think about competing with the flower next to it. And we shouldn’t think about competing with the person next to us. The flower just blooms. So should we. Don’t worry about what everybody else is doing. Be the person God created you to be. As mom used to say: Tend to your own knittin’.

By shbcadmin December 4, 2018 Off

Bold as a Lion

People love to talk and comment on everything we do. They have an opinion on every move we make. Let me remind you that if they don’t have responsibility for the things in your life, they don’t deserve to have an opinion either. You need to remember that this is YOUR life and according to God’s Word, we are to be bold as a lion. And let me assure you that a lion doesn’t turn around when a small dog barks. So you keep moving forward and don’t turn around. They aren’t worth it.

By shbcadmin December 3, 2018 Off


  I’m going to say a really bad word right now. It’s one of those words we love to avoid. The word is DISCIPLINE. In order to fulfill God’s plan for your life, you don’t have to be smarter than the rest: you just have to be more disciplined than the rest. God won’t take last place in your life. And believe me, the enemy will do everything he can to distract you. When you discipline yourself to spend time growing in God’s Word and building your prayer walk, you will find that you will fulfill everything God has planned for your life.

By shbcadmin December 2, 2018 Off

You’re Great!

  You can’t make people like, love, understand, validate, accept or be nice to you. You can’t control other people either. We can spend a life time trying to go above and beyond to get people to “feel” the way we want them to about us. It just won’t work. The good news is that it really doesn’t matter. If you have to WORK to get people to love, understand and accept you…it’s not worth it. If people can’t see how great you are, then it’s their loss, not yours.

By shbcadmin December 1, 2018 Off