Author: shbcadmin

Good Things He Does

You are never out from under the watchful eye of God. He knows your beginning and your ending. Nothing catches Him by surprise. And if you plan to “go off the rails”, God will wreck your plans when He sees that your plans are about to wreck you. Instead of getting angry, you need to be aware of the GOOD thing God just did for you. He just saved you a lot of regret, shame and heartache.

By shbcadmin December 13, 2018 Off

Faith Hands it Over

We plead with God to fix the things in our lives. You know the things I mean…the things that make your stomach churn, the things that keep you up at night, the things that cause you to worry every moment of every day. Let me give you some good advice: You can’t expect God to fix what you won’t let God have. Faith will hand it over. Fear will continue worrying and trying to fix things on our own.

By shbcadmin December 12, 2018 Off

Most Wonderful Place

The most wonderful places to be in the world are: In someone’s thoughts, someone’s prayers and in someone’s heart. You can travel the world over but you will never find a more amazing place.

By shbcadmin December 11, 2018 Off

You Have Value

  When you learn your worth, you will stop giving people discounts. You deserve to be treated well in this lifetime. Don’t let people take advantage of you, manipulate you through guilt or make remarks that tear you down. You deserve better. If they want to be in your life, they need to recognize the value God placed in you.

By shbcadmin December 10, 2018 Off

Work to Do

God didn’t add another day in your life because YOU need it. He gave it to you because someone out there needs you. Take a look around. So many people need you…whether to pray for them, help them financially or cook them a meal. Or somebody may need a listening ear, a huge hug or just to share a belly laugh. Whatever they need, you’ve got it! So look around. Opportunities are all around you. Every morning when we wake up, God is saying “Not yet, you still have work to do”.

By shbcadmin December 9, 2018 Off

Dicipline is Good!

Having taught first and second grade for many years, one of the things that always made me sad were the parents who would believe their kids over the teacher, the principal, 5 eye witnesses and the bus driver. Loving our kids is a good thing but defending their bad behavior is a mistake. If children aren’t held accountable when they’re young, you can bet it will only get worse as they age. Love your children enough to discipline them. “If you continue to defend your child’s WRONG behavior …one day you’ll pay an attorney to do the same thing.”

By shbcadmin December 8, 2018 Off