Author: shbcadmin

Your Example Counts

The world is changed by your example not by your opinion. Those words are pure gold when put into action. I guarantee you that railing about what you don’t like, what other people shouldn’t do, and what people should do won’t get you anywhere. Just live your life as if Jesus were walking next to you all day. And speak with love. We do the fishing, Jesus does the cleaning! Impact the world with your example.

By shbcadmin December 23, 2018 Off

Drama Mamas

Don’t let people pull you into their storm. It’s amazing how many people love to bring drama into the lives of others. It’s like they deliberately try to stir things up to get a “rush”. Don’t get sucked into their drama. Instead, pull them into your peace. Too many people become so accustomed to drama that they think it’s normal. DRAMA MAMAS are not normal. Want to keep the peace in your life? Well, unless you’re in the kitchen, stay clear of those who insist on “stirring”!

By shbcadmin December 22, 2018 Off

Offending God!?

Our society strives to avoid the possibility of offending anyone and everyone….EXCEPT God! How do we offend God? By words and actions. We have to stop this craziness of walking on eggshells with man and stomping through life with no thought or care about this amazing God who loves us beyond measure. The world can’t do diddly-squat for you…might be time to think this through.

By shbcadmin December 19, 2018 Off

One Moment at a Time

Realize that the only way to live free and be happy is to let go of needing to be liked. We also have to know that freedom comes when we fail to have a need to be “right” or precisely know how life will turn out. It’s time to receive the beautiful gifts of this ordinary day. Decide to walk into your future and enjoy one moment at a time.

By shbcadmin December 18, 2018 Off

Big Big God

How big do your enemies look? How big are those problems that eat at you every day? How big is debt you owe? It’s important to know if there’s a Goliath in front of you that means there’s a David inside of you. Greater is He that’s in you than He that’s in the world. David knew that God was bigger than anything he would face. Do you know that?

By shbcadmin December 17, 2018 Off

Walk Away

It’s time to walk away from the things of your past forever. I’m talking about the broken dreams, the broken hearts and the broken vows. You have a future, a destiny laid out by God. To walk into your future God’s way, don’t start your days with the broken pieces of yesterday.

By shbcadmin December 15, 2018 Off