Red Fish, Blue Fish
’Life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets. So love the people who treat you right, forgive the ones who don’t and believe that everything happens for a reason’. Those wise words were brought to you by Dr. Seuss…He said more than just Red fish, Blue fish!
New Year’s Eve
It’s here! It’s finally here! My favorite night of the year…New Year’s Eve. Oh, I won’t be out partying. I wouldn’t be able to stay awake until midnight…or 8:30. But this is the time of year when I look back at last year and remind myself of all the good memories and leave the rest behind. It’s closure…and tomorrow is a new beginning, a fresh start. What’s your favorite memory from last year? Hold it close to your heart.
Disappointed in Life?
Do you know why we’re disappointed in life? It’s because we EXPECT life to turn out a certain way. And we expect both people and God to do what we want them to do at ALL times. We fail to understand that life doesn’t revolve around us and our desires. Unfortunately, some people spend a whole lot of time upset and that leads to constant complaining and a negative outlook on life. Might want to check yourself…are you disappointed? Are you negative? What happened in life that turned you in that direction?
Words are Free
Words are free. It’s how you use them that may cost you dearly. So this holiday season and in the year ahead, pay attention to your words. The wrong words will tear down, destroy and leave a person broken. Nobody deserves to feel that way…ever! The right words will build up, encourage and leave a person better than when you found them. Everybody deserves to hear the right words.
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year! May 2019 find you stronger than ever in your walk with Jesus and may you have impact like you’ve never had before! We are wrapping up 2018 and getting ready to walk into 2019. It’s a clean slate. What will your slate look like at the end of 2019? Will it be filled with love, kind words, good deeds and a new positive attitude? Or will it be filled with the negative. Only you can make that decision.
Christmas Eve
Today is such a special day…Christmas Eve. Families gather together, children fight sleep and the air is ripe with excitement. On the other hand, this is one of the loneliest nights of the year for those who are widowed or have no family in the area. Take time to give them a call, take them a small gift, pay them a visit or invite them over for a meal or to see the kids open gifts. You might just make this their best Christmas ever! And believe it or not…it just might make yours the same.