Walking Home
As believers, we’re all walking each other “home”. Can you imagine the body of Christ…red, yellow, black and white and all shades in between walking arm in arm, laughing, praising God, loving each other full of encouraging words? Wow! Every denomination will be represented, the rich and the poor, the educated and the mentally challenged, the fit and those with disabilities…all walking “home” together. Keep in mind the verse that says in I John 4:20…”For anyone who does not love his brothers whom he has seen, cannot love God, whom he has not seen.” Just wanted you to keep that in mind so you’re in the group that’s walking together.
Great Addiction
Talking about our problems is our greatest addiction. We talk about them to anybody who will listen…the doctor, the teller, the waitress and the beautician. We hash and re-hash our lives. It’s time to break the habit. Talking to ourselves is crazy. Talking to others wears both of us out. Ahh…but when we talk to God, our addiction to our problems is broken because He deals in answers instead of problems. Our focus changes and so does our lives.
Can’t Please Everyone
Life isn’t always smooth sailing: you’re going to be left out, talked about, lied to, used and rejected, but you have to decide who is worth your tears and who is not. Think about it. If someone you care deeply about hurts you, it can crush your heart. Only Jesus can heal that hurt. But for all those people out there that you’re not close to…if they lie about you or leave you out…save your tears. You can’t please everybody, nor should you try.
Mean Folks
Have somebody in your life that’s mean and hateful? Someone who seems to take great joy in making you feel bad? Someone who delights when you fail, or that bring you to tears? Only people who are not happy with themselves are mean to others. Remember that. Kind of tells you how to pray, doesn’t it!!
Be a Role Model
Some people didn’t grow up with good role models. They grew up having people they didn’t want to be like and seeing situations they never wanted to be in. Not all of us are dealt the right cards, but that doesn’t mean we can’t reshuffle the deck for a better outcome. Your past is over. You may not have HAD good role models, but you can sure become one!