Misery to Ministry
Your ministry will be where your misery was. When you are a survivor of cancer, a parent of a child who died, someone who went through a divorce or an abusive relationship and came out on the other side, you have a story to tell. And those are just a few of the struggles that turn into a message that will help someone along the way. What is YOUR story? Look for someone going through the same thing and come alongside them! Turn that pain into a blessing for someone else.
You Ain’t My Boss
Have you ever wanted to look at someone and say “Hey, you ain’t my boss applesauce”. Isn’t it amazing how many people want to tell you what to do and what not to do in life? Isn’t it amazing how they know exactly what would make our lives better? Isn’t it just mind-blowing that they even know how to raise our kids and treat our husband? Just a suggestion here…you might want to take a look at THEIR life. Usually those who can’t seem to manage their own lives are the ones who try to manage yours. Stay calm…look them straight in the eye…smile…and say “You ain’t my boss”! You might even throw a wink in there as you walk away.
Make Them Pay?
Sometimes good people make bad choices. How long will you make them pay? When someone is trying to get over a bad choice {even if it’s not their first time to fail}, the last thing they need is some self-righteous, nose in the air Christian to turn their back on them. Sometimes we forget that we’ve all been in their spot. Maybe you were fortunate and you got your life back together…I’ll ask you again. How long will you make them pay?
Step of Faith
Everybody has to start somewhere at some point. That means the greatest students of God’s Word had a day one. The most powerful prayer warriors started with a first prayer. What is it that you want to do? It will start with a single step of faith. Don’t kick yourself because you aren’t “terrific” the first time you try. What you want is worth fighting for, right? So make sure EVERY DAY you move in the direction you want to go.
Time is Limited
Your time is limited so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Trying to fix someone else’s life, trying to give them advice that they neither asked for nor wanted, or trying to manipulate them into doing what you want is wrong. Basically we have one job to do. Make every minute count for Jesus. All the outside stuff is fluff.
Ignore Them
Ignore them. Ignore what?? Ignore those ugly hateful words that people speak TO you or ABOUT you. Words have no power unless you give it to them. If you find yourself rehearsing them in your mind or rehashing them to someone else…you’re hooked. The enemy has grabbed hold of you and has snared you in his trap. Ignore them and you win. There’s nothing like a mind that refuses to hold on to stuff that should never been in there in the first place.