Author: shbcadmin

Pray Daily

Pray daily. God is easier to talk with than most people. Really! When you talk with God, you will find out that He never interrupts, He just listens. And when He’s ready, then He shares His heart with you. Prayer is almost impossible if you don’t truly know God. Why!? If you sit with Him, if you read His word, if you listen to Him, He will reveal more and more to you personally. And if you sit in His presence and never say a word, you will be empowered and loved on because Gods presence is what it’s really all about.

By shbcadmin February 22, 2019 Off

Think Right

  It’s not who you are that holds you back…it’s who you THINK you are. How do you see yourself? Smart, funny, capable, friendly, attractive, a child of God, a prayer warrior, a student of God’s Word…and the list goes on and on. You, and you alone, have the ability to choose how you see yourself. So cast down those negative thoughts, “labels” placed by others and curses spoken over you from the time you were little. The truth is that you are God’s Workmanship…and God, my friend, does NOT make junk.

By shbcadmin February 20, 2019 Off

Can’t Take it Back

  ”You can never take back a stone that is thrown, the word after its spoken, an occasion after its missed and time after its gone.” Live in the moment and don’t park your brain by the door. Send your brain on ahead to think about the results of what you’re about to do…or not do. It can save you a lot of heartache down the road

By shbcadmin February 15, 2019 Off

Speak Up!

Is someone treating you badly? Are they making fun of you or cussing like a seasoned sailor in your presence? We teach people how to treat us by what we allow them to do. If you allow it, you’ve accepted it. If someone isn’t treating you right, the only one to blame is you! Draw the line on bad behavior. You may have to speak up or walk away…but don’t accept behavior that tears you down or makes you feel bad.

By shbcadmin February 14, 2019 Off

Something Wonderful

Believe today that something wonderful is about to happen. What you expect is what you will get! And remember, what you think is important in the morning may not be what’s important when you go to bed. Thank God for the good things, recognize His hand when life is difficult and enjoy the journey. Life can shift on a dime. So set your mind to expect something wonderful around every turn.

By shbcadmin February 13, 2019 Off

Let the Real You Shine

Today, have the courage to be the person you really are. No more hiding parts of your life. No more keeping secrets. Live life with the attitude of “what you see is what you get”. How many of you are trying to be something you’re not? How many of you are living life to please someone else? Take a look in the mirror and realize that you are “enough” without changing one single thing.

By shbcadmin February 12, 2019 Off