Nothing can satisfy but Jesus. And yet, we try anything and everything. When I say that, we often think of drugs, alcohol, or materialism. But that’s not what most people fill their lives with…It’s BUSYNESS. If we stay busy, maybe we will be happy and have a wonderful life. Let me make this clear. Nothing can fill that void but Jesus. If you want to be truly happy, find Jesus.
Learn, Live, Hope
LEARN from yesterday…those trials and struggles you went through have value. We may not see it at the time, but God can use them for our good. LIVE for today. Be in the moment loving, laughing, caring, shining, making today the best day of your life…so far! HOPE for tomorrow. Believe that the best is yet to come. Expect the best, forget the rest!
Time is Like Money
Time is like money. We choose how we spend it. We have approximately 1000 waking minutes a day. We have the opportunity to fill them with “positives”….Doing things to help others, praying for the needs we see, loving and laughing with friends and family or drawing closer to Jesus. Too often we are just going through the motions. Getting up, getting ready and getting on the road. From that time on, we’re in a dead run and forget to pay attention to the really important things. And when we finally get home….we drop. Let’s face it, we miss so much. Do you feel like the years are flying by? They are!! Choose how you spend those minutes.
Appear Bright
For some reason, I want to repeat something I wrote years ago. Someone must need it.”Light travels faster than sound. That’s why some people appear bright until you hear them speak”! We have some politicians like that. There is definitely a reason why God tells us to LISTEN much and SPEAK little. And maybe, we should be more serious about taking those words to heart! Remember, better to be thought a fool than to open the mouth and prove it! Words should be handled with great care!
Thought for the Day
Thought for the day: When we stop chasing the wrong things, we give the right things a chance to catch us! Powerful words. Ever chase the wrong things? My hand is up! Too many years wasted chasing things that weren’t good for me, things that wouldn’t get me or keep me on God’s path and basically those things did nothing but fill me with regret. I remember a classmate whose mother told her she would have to open her hand and let everything go so that God could place the right thing in her hand. Can you trust God enough to let go of the things that are keeping you tied to sin or off the path God wants you to walk?
Inner Circle
”If you look at the people in your circle and you don’t get inspired or encouraged, then you don’t have a circle, you have a cage”. Take a good look at the people surrounding you. Do you leave feeling better when you run into them? Do they have the same heart as you? Are they behind your dreams and encourage you to be your best? Living in a cage keeps you from going forward and it keeps you from being effective in God’s kingdom….do you have a good healthy circle or are you stuck in a cage?