Author: shbcadmin

Head and Heart

When dealing with yourself, use your head: when dealing with others, use your heart. Using your head in dealing with yourself brings the fruit of wisdom, good decisions and sterling character. Using your heart in dealing with others brings the fruit of love, joy, forgiveness and compassion. Both are needed.

By shbcadmin March 15, 2019 Off

Emotional Prison

  We can be caught in an emotional prison built by words that wounded us. Every word, whether spoken, or rehearsed in our mind over and over again will keep us bound in a prison of our own making. We hold the key to freedom. Our freedom comes when we forgive the person who spoke the word and then ask Jesus to heal the hurt the words inflicted. The next time the words come flying in our direction, we need to make a conscious decision to let them roll off so they don’t form a root of bitterness.

By shbcadmin March 12, 2019 Off

What Are Your Values

Have you ever had to make a decision that seemed impossible to figure out? You go over all the reasons why you should do this or that…and all you have to show for it is a head that is spinning like a top. You need to remember that decisions are easy when values are clear. What you value the most will show up in every decision you make…good or bad. You can look back at the decisions you’ve made and know for a fact that they are a reflection of what you value the most…, material possessions, family, finances or Jesus. I probably don’t need to tell you which one is best!

By shbcadmin March 11, 2019 Off

Who You Hang With!

The next time you get together with friends, take a look around and listen to the conversations. If you find yourself thinking that you want to be the last one to leave so they don’t talk about you like everybody else, you might want to reconsider who you hang with…just sayin!

By shbcadmin March 9, 2019 Off

Living the Dream

Are you living your dreams or living your fears? Living your dreams can be accomplished by remembering who God says you are! Don’t stop pushing forward. Living your fears means you’re keeping you eye on everything that’s going wrong instead of on Jesus. Eye on the prize people!

By shbcadmin March 7, 2019 Off

Under the Blood

We can sweep things under the rug or put them under the blood. Sweeping our problems under the rug is a temporary fix. We think it will be out of sight, out of mind. WRONG! Satan will crawl right under that rug and drag them back to your mind where they become a stronghold. Next time, put them under the blood. Jesus will wash them whiter than snow. He will rescue you from the snare of the enemy and His Word will wash your mind clean! No more tripping over the rug!

By shbcadmin March 6, 2019 Off