Author: shbcadmin

Be Kind

”Certain things happen that hurt us, people come and then go but most of all there are moments when we’re bound to fall. Don’t let those things make you unkind. It’s okay to cry. It’s okay to be sad but it’s never okay to do other people wrong just because you were done wrong.” When these things happen, life goes on. You will encounter so many people every day. They didn’t hurt you. Don’t take your pain out on them.

By shbcadmin March 20, 2019 Off

No Bitterness Allowed

  Don’t let this world make you bitter. Don’t let the actions of other people turn you cold on the inside. The enemy wants you to build walls and become ice cold, feeling nothing, refusing to ever be hurt again. Refuse to let Satan win. Take a leap of faith and open your heart one more time. You deserve to experience that abundant life God promised. Don’t let a few bad apples spoil your “bushel”!

By shbcadmin March 19, 2019 Off

No More Scratching

  Living life full of fear and doubt is no way to live. We were meant to soar like the eagles. And yet, all that goes through our minds is that we could fall if we climb. It’s safer to stay grounded. Listen friend, there’s no joy in living our whole life on the ground. Which one sounds better; scratching around in the chicken yard looking down at all the “poop” or looking up, spreading your wings and soaring like that eagle? If you answered correctly, keep those baby blues focused on Jesus, get excited in His Word and let Him be the wind under your feet.

By shbcadmin March 18, 2019 Off

Pass a Blessing

  Sit down and think about someone who got you where you are today. Then let them know how much you appreciate it. If they’ve already passed away, send a note to a family member letting them know your story. Can you imagine how much that would mean to that person?

By shbcadmin March 17, 2019 Off

Bury the Past

Too many people tend to focus on their past misfortunes. If you listen to them, they are constantly working their past into the present conversation. Listen to what you speak. You might find that I’m talking to you. I can tell you this: If you want to have a wonderful present and a dynamic future, spend time reflecting on your blessings. Bury the past and look forward to tomorrow.

By shbcadmin March 17, 2019 Off

Life can Change

At the end of our lives, it’s not our job, or our bank account or a glamorous lifestyle that will consume our thoughts…it’s family and friends. Pour into those relationships. Life can turn on a dime. We never know how long those loved ones will be with us. You will never regret time spent with those you love.

By shbcadmin March 15, 2019 Off