Author: shbcadmin

Time is a Treasure

Ever been listening to someone tell a story by way of China and you can’t help but think “I just wasted 2 hours of my life on that story!” Or maybe you’ve been put on hold and it seemed like an eternity before the person came to the phone. In life, all we are given is time and time is precious…When you spend time with someone, you are giving a piece of your life to them and they are giving a piece of their life to you. Treasure it, don’t abuse it.

By shbcadmin March 26, 2019 Off

Jesus Guides

Don’t allow others to control the direction of your life. Only you and Jesus know the path that’s right for you. Oh, others mean well with all of their subtle or not-so-subtle advice, but only Jesus can get you where you need to go. So, instead of changing your plans to fit their plan, you can thank them for trying to help but let them know that Jesus is your guide.

By shbcadmin March 25, 2019 Off

Anger is ugly

  Anger is ugly…it looks bad and feels worse after we blow sky high. Sometimes we even make a fool of ourselves in the process. Anger is a “punishment” that we give ourselves for someone else’s mistake. Cool down, step away, pray…just don’t fall into anger.

By shbcadmin March 24, 2019 Off

Spirit Settles Us

We have to get to the place where our mood doesn’t shift based on the insignificant actions of someone else. We have a choice whether we allow the actions of someone else to wreck our happy peaceful day. I don’t know about you but I don’t want ANYBODY to have that kind of control over me! So when someone says or does something that could upset me, I just picture the Holy Spirit standing next to me. His presence settles my spirit. Try it.

By shbcadmin March 23, 2019 Off

Throw them Out

  We can’t always control who walks into our lives, but we CAN control which door we throw them out of! Not literally you understand. Don’t think for one minute that Satan doesn’t bring chaos and distractions into your life through other people. If you run into someone who has allowed Satan to work in their life, don’t let them in your inner circle. It doesn’t mean you can’t pray for them. It just means they can’t have access to your heart or mind.

By shbcadmin March 22, 2019 Off

New Day Ahead

  We’re human We make mistakes. But don’t let pain and sadness ruin your life. Wake up in the morning. It’s a new day and you can step right out of that mistake like you stepped out of yesterday’s dirty clothes. Ask forgiveness. Then forgive yourself for making a bad choice. Life goes on…so can you.

By shbcadmin March 21, 2019 Off