Can you Do it!?
Looking at the things that are going wrong in your life, thinking about them day and night, and telling them to anyone who will listen, keeps peace from flowing in our life. When we put our problems in God’s hands, He will put His peace in our heart. Sounds easy doesn’t it? Unfortunately it requires us to stop trying to fix the problem ourselves and surrender to God. Can you do it?
The Healer
“Broken hearts, broken relationships and broken people”…all unnecessary. Brought to you by the world. Jesus is the Healer, the One who can mend the brokenness in all of us.
Could Get Messy!
Here’s some good advice: Give people a bit of your heart instead of a piece of your mind. I know we think we have all the answers for everybody else but truthfully, all they want to see is how much we care. There’s a WARNING that goes along with this: If we insist on telling people how to live their lives, they are going to look very carefully at how we’ve been handling our own. Unless you’re perfect, this could get messy!
Don’t Cherry Pick
God isn’t going to rewrite the Bible just for you. Its truth is eternal even if it doesn’t fit in today’s world view. ALL of it is truth and amen. That means we can’t cherry pick what we want to believe and throw out the rest. In Thessalonians, the scripture talks about a great “falling away” before the Anti-Christ appears. In the original Greek, one definition is that people will not “stand” in agreement with God’s Word. They will choose their own reality. Where will you stand?
Someone Needs You
Today, there will be someone out there who needs what you have to give. Never think that what you have to offer is insignificant. It’s huge in the eyes of God, even if you think it doesn’t amount to much…a drink of water sure doesn’t look like much to you but to some people, it’s the difference between life and death. A listening ear may not look like much to you but to someone who feels all alone in the world, it means everything. Never despise the small things because in God’s eyes, they might just be HUGE.
Forgive, Move on
Ever wondered how you could forgive someone who chose to hurt you so deeply? Forgiveness isn’t about accepting or excusing their behavior. It’s about letting it go and preventing their behavior from destroying your heart. You deserve better than that.