Author: shbcadmin

Safe at Shore

A ship is always safe at shore but that’s not what it was created for…you’re always safe in your Sunday morning pew but that’s not what you were created for! You were meant to take this Gospel into all the world. How do you do that? Feed the hungry, love the unlovable, clothe the naked, visit the prisoners…reach out beyond your comfort zone and you’ll see exactly what you were created for!!

By shbcadmin April 14, 2019 Off

Life is a Stage

I read somewhere that life is a stage and we are all players on that stage. If we believe that to be true, then we realize that nothing happens by accident and everything, even the most insignificant thing, has value and importance. In life, there’s no such thing as “dumb luck” or “accidental meetings” if you’re a child of God. He has each of us on a path…Pay attention to the places and situations you find yourself in and the people who cross your path. They are there for a reason.

By shbcadmin April 12, 2019 Off

Present Blessings

  Don’t let past bitterness ruin present blessings. It’s true that the past has made a mark on your heart and left to its own devices, the mark will get bigger and bigger. How does it do that? Every time your mind drifts back to the pain, every time you rehearse the thoughts that drag you down and every time you choose to live in “yesterdays” regrets and shame, bitterness can take root. The worst part about bitterness is that it “colors” todays blessings with the wrong brush. Choose to live in todays blessings. So many of them are in your life…take time to recognize them.

By shbcadmin April 11, 2019 Off

Words Carry Power

    You are today where you are because of the words you have been speaking over your life…Too many of us just say anything that comes into our mind. What we fail to comprehend is that there is a connection between our words and our future. Words carry great power. Speak in agreement with God’s Word. When we win the battle over our words, we win the battle over our life.

By shbcadmin April 10, 2019 Off

Walk Light as a Feather

Have you ever felt like you were carrying the weight of the world? Have you ever wondered how you could lighten your load? Here’s a suggestion. Our journey through life will be so much “lighter and easier” if we don’t carry our past with us. Most of what we carry has to do with yesterday…the regrets, the what ifs, the wrong decisions and the hurts that just won’t go away. So let’s leave that bag of yesterday in the closet and carry only “today”. And walk through life light as a feather.

By shbcadmin April 9, 2019 Off

Keep the MainThing!

We can give our kids the world but if we don’t give them Jesus, we gave them nothing. More and more that thought crosses my mind. We are consumed with making sure our kids have the best clothes, a car when its time, a good education…but what about Jesus? Let’s keep the main thing the main thing!

By shbcadmin April 8, 2019 Off