Author: shbcadmin

Find Joy in Story

The older we get, the easier it is to look back and realize that our life just doesn’t look the way we thought it would. We are where we are because of choices we made and words we spoke. Who knows? Maybe we made the choices God wanted us to. Sometimes, we just have to let go of the picture of what we thought life would be like and learn to find joy in the story we’re living.

By shbcadmin May 1, 2019 Off

Do or Don’t Do

It’s easy to look at others and call out their hateful attitude towards others. But a person doesn’t have to operate with great hate to do great harm. We do harm every time we fail to see a need, lack empathy, or withhold compassion. It’s just easier to see what we DO instead of what we DON’T DO.

By shbcadmin April 29, 2019 Off


    Grieving isn’t always profound sadness. It can also appear as anger, loneliness, fear, depression and a feeling of helplessness. Grief can show up consistently or hit you out of the blue when you least expect it. There is no “normal” when it comes to grief. Just remember that the Comforter will walk with you no matter how and when it shows up. Praying for those who have lost a loved one…whether it was yesterday or years ago, it’s still a loss that leaves a “hole” in our heart.

By shbcadmin April 25, 2019 Off

Stealing Your Identity

    If someone came along and stole our identity, we would go into panic mode! But every day Satan is guilty of Identity theft where we are concerned. Jesus has so much for us in this lifetime but to receive it, we have to know who we are and what belongs to us. Identity theft costs millions of dollars every year in the natural realm…but when Satan goes after our identity, it costs us our future and our destiny.

By shbcadmin April 24, 2019 Off

If Jesus Wouldn’t

  If Jesus wouldn’t go in that place of business, we shouldn’t either. If Jesus wouldn’t say hateful words, we shouldn’t either. If Jesus wouldn’t watch what’s on TV, we shouldn’t either. Are you seeing a pattern here? If He wouldn’t, we shouldn’t. Might be a good idea to ask ourselves the question…what would Jesus do? And then do it!!

By shbcadmin April 23, 2019 Off

I Will!

Stop saying I WISH and start saying I WILL. Big difference. When we say I WISH we’re just daydreaming about something we’d like to have happen but believe in our heart that it probably won’t…So we spend our days doing nothing that would bring it about. Change those words to I WILL and watch what happens. All of a sudden, you have a goal. I WILL go to Bible Study, I WILL speak positive words, or I WILL lose weight. The words” I WILL” transforms you from a sitter to a doer.

By shbcadmin April 22, 2019 Off