Heart is a Treasure
Are you tired of trying to figure out who is with you, against you, or walking down the middle because they don’t have the guts to back a friend? Life is too short to leave the key to your happiness in someone else’s pocket. Stop trying to find out who has one face or two. Stop trying to figure out what you can do to change their mind. Don’t give the key to your heart to people who don’t look at it as a treasure.
Leave it Better
”At the end of life, what really matters is not what we bought but what we BUILT; not what we got, but what we SHARED; not our ability but our CHARACTER: not our success but our SIGNIFICANCE. Live a life that matters. Live a life of love”. Building, sharing, loving…making a difference in the lives of others. Let’s leave planet earth better than when we came. Feed the hungry, visit the prisoners, cloth the naked, save the whales! You choose what you do…just leave it better.
Kleenex or Sword
When times get tough, what do you reach for? Your Kleenex or your sword? Kleenex’s are for victims and swords are for those determined to be a victor. Your choice. I don’t know about you but I cry “ugly”: red nose, swollen eyes…just not pretty. At least if I’m under attack by the devil, I’m going to look good with my sword (BIBLE) in my hand. No Kleenex for this girl! I’m out to win this battle. How about you?
Defeat the Demons
You can’t defeat the demons you keep playing with! If you let a “little bit of sin” in your life, you just threw the door open to Satan and his crew. You may have only meant to sin a little but that’s just the bait. Once you’ve stepped over the line and disobeyed God, you will be hooked. Sin will take you farther than you want to go and keep you longer than you ever intended to stay. No more playing with the demons.
Don’t Think
Don’t think before you speak. Then you can be just as surprised as everyone else by what comes out of your mouth. Of course, there’s a good chance that the result could be disastrous!! There’s a reason why God says to guard our words. He knows those words come from an impure heart. We are still a work in progress. Our hearts are changing but until they are fully changed, we have to guard our mouths 24/7.
Find Someone New
When you’ve loved someone and done all you can to make a relationship work, but the other person doesn’t love you back, think about this. If your love wasn’t enough, then any words you speak won’t make a difference either. So save your breath…just turn around and find someone who will love you the way you love them.