Author: shbcadmin

Kindness Wins

    Kindness is one of the most beautiful things in the world. Kindness is love in action…reaching, touching, calming, and uplifting. Never think for one moment that you don’t have impact. Your fingerprints can never be wiped away from the little marks of kindness that you’ve left behind.

By shbcadmin June 25, 2019 Off

Don’t Follow Your Heart

  Did you know that follow your heart is not biblical advice? Proverbs 28:26 says that he who follows his heart is a fool and Jeremiah 17:9 says the heart is the most deceitful of all things, and desperately wicked. That’s why it’s important that we follow Jesus. His Spirit can lead us way better than our heart! Remember that the next time you get ready to make a major decision.

By shbcadmin June 24, 2019 Off

Broken and Fixed

  Broken hearts, broken lives, broken dreams, broken people…we see them everywhere. Maybe we ARE one. Sometimes we can’t see how in the world God can take our broken pieces and make something special. Trust Him with your brokenness and know that He is working behind the scenes. Before you were ever born, He had a plan for your life. Brokenness doesn’t scare Him. He will use your brokenness as a step to your future in ways you can’t imagine. Instead of giving up, give HIM a chance.

By shbcadmin June 20, 2019 Off

Patience is a Virture

Ever get discouraged and think things are taking too long…maybe you have plans for the future but they seem to be on the slow track. Just remember “Rome wasn’t built in a day! But they were laying bricks every hour.” We don’t have to build everything we want in one day. All we have to do to get to our destination is just lay a brick. And tomorrow do the same thing. Then one day, you’ll realize, you made it! Impatience is not a virtue. Patience is.

By shbcadmin June 13, 2019 Off

Set Boundaries

  Too many of us need to set boundaries in our lives for people who don’t have any. You know who I’m talking about…the ones who “drop” in unannounced at the worst times, the ones who call you and want to talk for hours on end or maybe it’s the ones who are always wanting something. You feel stressed, aggravated and overwhelmed when you’re around them but you just don’t know how to stop it. Just remember that whatever you PUT UP WITH, you’ll END UP WITH. Setting boundaries starts with learning how to say no.

By shbcadmin June 12, 2019 Off

Deal with Junk

  Until you’re ready to deal with the “junk” in your life, it will keep dealing with you. Maybe you need to forgive and let something go. Maybe you have had words spoken over you that play in your mind day after day. Or maybe you find yourself continually feeling sorry for yourself and the way your life turned out. When you’re ready to get rid of the “junk” in your life, talk to Jesus and ask Him to heal your heart. He can change you inch by inch…give Him a try. You’ve lived this way too long

By shbcadmin June 11, 2019 Off