Author: shbcadmin

Pece Wonderful Peace

Peace….there are people who would give all they had just to have peace in their life! Do you know that there is a peace that God can give you that is so amazing that no matter what is happening AROUND you, it’s not happening IN you? Chaos on the outside, peace on the inside! I love the scripture in the Bible that says “He will keep me in perfect peace when my mind is stayed (or anchored) on Him.” Believe me, whatever you go through in life, it’s not worth getting angry, fussing with your family, walking in drama, or flying mad. The next time you get an “opportunity” to blow sky high and rant and rave, remember this thought… I REFUSE to lose my peace! It’s a great feeling to get a good night’s sleep, walk with a bounce in your step, and live in a state of peace and joy! And boy does the enemy hate to see that happen. It’s his goal to make you miserable. He will “rattle your cage”, doing anything and everything to get you to react. He usually uses those closest to you to do it too…I’m talking family and friends here…or other…

By shbcadmin October 19, 2015 Off

All About Perspective

Life is all about perspective. Oh, no…I have to go get groceries and gas. Thank you God, that I have the money to buy those things and that food and gas are readily available when I need them. Oh, no…I have to babysit. Thank you God, that I have grandbabies to love and that love me. Oh, no…I have to stay late at work tonight. Thank you God that you’ve always given me a job and it has been a blessing. Do YOU have the right perspective?

By shbcadmin October 19, 2015 Off

Time To Soar

Here’s a word of wisdom for today! Never agree to crawl when you could soar! God has way too many “chickens” in His kingdom who keep their heads down and walk around in the barnyard! And you know as well as I do that the scenery isn’t too great down there! “Chickens” can’t seem to get above “SEE” level. And what they SEE is what they get. They are settling for so little when God has so much. I love the scripture in Psalms 3:3 that says…. “But You, O Lord, are a shield for me, My glory and the One who lifts up my head.” When we walk around with our heads down, our thoughts are on us and our troubles…its’ really hard to SEE beyond “OUR STUFF”. I had someone tell me something that made me think. He said that before he came to the nursing home, he had so many friends. But after he when I got there, they forgot about him. It broke my heart…What happened? Out of sight, out of mind. Our mind gets stuck on what’s happening in our little world. BUT God is looking for people who will look up and say “I…

By shbcadmin October 18, 2015 Off

Just Be Held

” Stop holding on and just be held”…those words can change our whole world. It takes us from the place where we have our fingers wrapped around every situation in life…trying to fix it, change it, always controlling it. And it takes us to a place where we can crawl up in the arms of God and rest. Let go and rest. Tonight, let Him rock you to sleep and tomorrow, let Him have the messes in your life. Stop just holding on and just be held! You’re going to find you love it!

By shbcadmin October 18, 2015 Off

One of a Kind

I love what David says in Psalm 139…” I will praise You; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are your works;” Isn’t that an amazing thought. You and I are wonderfully made! God didn’t make a mistake when He created you. The one thing that drives your parents crazy just might turn out to be the one thing that God placed inside of you for “purpose”. As a little girl, my dad was constantly telling me to use my inside voice. I only had one voice and you could hear me all over the place. In later years, my voice turned out to be an asset. One Sunday I was preaching and my dad leaned over to my sister and said, I just love her loud voice. Boy…had times changed! We’re all created differently but all with a special purpose. Never focus on your weaknesses and your faults. God can make them your greatest assets! You are one of a kind, a limited edition! Do you know that Eleanor Roosevelt, a president’s wife once said “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.”?  It seems that we all have those moments when someone says or does something…

By shbcadmin October 17, 2015 Off

A Bed Named ” Word”

Think of all the blessings we miss by allowing ourselves to become too busy to spend time in God’s Word. Sometimes I think we’re a lot like a pastor I know who said he named his bed “Word”…so if someone asked where he was he could say “I was in the word” when he was really in bed! Now don’t go and name your bed “Word”. The point of this post is to get you OUT of your bed and into the real Word!

By shbcadmin October 17, 2015 Off