Don’t Spit
Anybody ever made you so mad you could just spit? Your reaction is important. If you fly mad, refuse to forgive them or “let it go”, then you need to know something. He who angers you conquers you. Don’t give someone else that kind of power over your life
You are Special
Someone will always be prettier. Someone will always be younger. But they will never be you. If God calls you a masterpiece, His greatest design, why would you want to argue that fact? Jump back Jack…stop trying to be something you’re not and love the person you are. Unique, one of a kind, a rare bird…yep, that’s you in a nutshell! You are SOMEBODY special. Why? Because God says so.
Chew, Don’t Choke
We have a job to do. We have a world to change and people to love. And to do all that God calls us to do, we have to “Chew or choke”…No, I’m not talking about food. I’m talking about the Word of God. It’s time to get serious about Bible reading and study. No more milk of the Word for you…time to get into the meat of the Word. Here’s where you will chew on that Word or choke on that Word. Be a CHEWER not a CHOKER!
Three Things!
There are 3 things you can’t recover in life: the word after it’s spoken, the moment after it’s missed and the time after it’s gone. Living in the present moment is a positive where these are concerned. First, watch your mouth! Just because something runs through your mind doesn’t mean it should come out of your mouth where it can do major damage. Secondly, look at each day as an opportunity and last but not least…make your day count!
Gossip Never Harmless
Gossip is the destruction of someone else’s reputation. Gossip is never harmless, always hurtful. Telling something personal and unkind about someone and then saying “God bless their heart” doesn’t make it all right. Asking for prayer for someone and then proceeding to tell way too much information is not all right. Anybody remember the “mean girls” in school? Well, when you gossip, you become one. Ask yourself some questions before you share something…is it true, is it kind, is it necessary?
News Flash!
News flash! You don’t have to attend every argument you’re invited to! I have found we all have great opportunities to jump into conversations that we need to avoid. We are not called to win arguments. The Bible calls us “peace”makers, not “argue”makers. Second news flash! We don’t always have to have the last word.