Author: shbcadmin

Failure is an Event

Failure is just an event, a moment in time, but it is never who you are! You may have failed once, twice, many times but it still doesn’t define you. It’s something that happened in your life but it’s not you! It’s important to see yourself as an overcomer, a winner, somebody special! Despite the failures you’ve experienced, you still have a life to live…a destiny to walk into! Never let thoughts of failure shape you. Abundant life belongs to you!

By shbcadmin December 27, 2015 Off

Good Season Coming!

When you go from one season to the next, you can’t spend your time worrying or thinking about the season you just left behind! Whether it was good or bad is irrelevant to the present season in your life. Remember seasons will always change! If you are going through a  bad season, the good season is right around the corner! (Sara Buchanan)

By shbcadmin December 25, 2015 Off

Salvation is a Gift

Salvation is a gift of love wrapped by God with a pretty bow on top filled with blessings, abundant life, eternity in heaven with God, joy and peace that passes all understanding. Will you receive the free gift this Christmas that Jesus paid for on the cross? (Sara Buchanan)

By shbcadmin December 25, 2015 Off

Philippians 4:13

I can do ALL things through Christ Who strengthens me. Phillipians 4:13 has been my favorite verse for a number of years now. I quote it all the time, whether I am going to an important meeting or trying to hold a plank for longer than 45 seconds. (Ok, 30 seconds.) I realized this morning that I have to believe that verse for everything. I can believe that He can heal. I can profess that I am healed. I can walk on the path He Himself set before me to walk. I can speak positive things. I can smile when I don’t feel like it. I can answer in a Godly manner when someone asks how my day is going. I can be a light. I CAN. No matter what the world does or says, I (say it with me) I CAN do ALL things through Him. He heals, provides and does so much more in the everyday situations you face. (Sara Wylie)

By shbcadmin December 25, 2015 Off

Live With No Regrets

If you travel through life and live it with love, honesty, and truthfulness, then when you get older and think back, you can enjoy it one more time! Choose to walk without regret or shame by the choices you make…let your life be one that you can enjoy while moving through it and then enjoy it one more time in your memories!

By shbcadmin December 25, 2015 Off

Love over Hate!

There’s a reason why Jesus tells us to choose love over hate! And yet, people from time to time fall into that trap and hate becomes an obsession. You see, we can’t hate without having an emotional attachment to the object of our hate. And while we waste time holding a grudge, life goes on as usual on the other end. So this year, let’s make up our mind to avoid hate at all cost. Jesus tells us to love. He knows it’s the way to living life to the fullest!

By shbcadmin December 22, 2015 Off