Why oh why would it surprise me that I don’t know God’s plan? If I knew the plan, then it might be considered my plan. And whose plan is the best? You guessed it. It’s not mine. God always has the best plan-plans to prosper us, teach us, and plans to grow us up into adults wearing big girl and big boy pants like He intended all along. So we can get in a huff, and pout like a little toddler, (who, by the way, does NOT wear big girl or big boy pants) or we go about our work, take some breaths, wait, and watch as God’s plan unfolds. This is where trust comes in and we need to be about trusting him. (Sara Wylie)
Choose Your Family
You can’t choose your family! If they’re great, that’s wonderful! But what if they aren’t so great? What if they continually wound you or disappoint you? The good news is that you can surround yourself with people who love and support you in all you do! And always remember that Jesus is family and He will never let you down….you can count on Him to be your biggest cheerleader.
Prayer and the Word
High lines are held up by two poles. Our “spiritual high line” is held up by two “poles’ also…The Word of God and prayer. If those two are in place, your spiritual life will soar to new heights! The Word of God and prayer are like bookends in your life. They hold everything in place!
Choose Happiness
”If you want to be happy you have to choose to be happy!” When you wake up tomorrow morning, speak this: God, this is the day you’ve made just for me. It may not look the way I hoped it would but I will face it with a good attitude, a smile on my face, kindness in my heart and a bounce in my step. I choose happiness!
Happy Rocks!
I hate to break it to ya but God didn’t call us to be happy. I just heard some people sigh with relief and others begin to argue in my head. We were created to live in praise. I saw an ad whose theme was “Play more. Be happy.” I would challenge you to praise more and see if that doesn’t quench that unexplainable thirst you’ve been feeling. We were created to praise; God can literally ask the rocks to do it and they will without question. I wonder if the rocks are happier because they finally get the chance to praise their Creator…Sara Wylie
A Look at Love
1Corinthians 13:7 AMP Love bears all things [regardless of what comes], believes all things [looking for the best in each one], hopes all things [remaining steadfast during difficult times], endures all things [without weakening.] Marriage came to mind as I read this, this morning. Love bears all things; financial problems that come up, problems with an ex-spouse in regards to children and visitation for example. Sickness where it takes everything in us to be strong for them and keep a smile on our face. Job loss and making the other feel secure that something will come along and having the faith that things will be ok. Love believes all things. Believe the best in each other. Don’t constantly nic-pik all the stuff that needs improvement. Love believes that no matter what, trusting God, you will be ok. Love hopes all things. Maybe you are just to the point of leaving. You see no possible way to fix things. Maybe a spouse is incarcerated and you cant wait another day. Maybe you feel you have grown apart. The hope that God has instilled in each of you is what will see you through. All things work together for the…