Number One Priority
Have you served God today? On our often-overwhelming list, it’s amazing how our number one priority often gets overlooked or pushed down to the bottom of the “to do.” We are His servants and a lot of times we don’t even make time to ASK him (much less DO) what He needs for us to do. Have you asked Him today? Do your priorities line up with his? What can we do to make that happen today? Our life may look more abundant if we took the time to serve. (Sara Wylie)
What Shall We Do
When Elisha’s servant woke up in 2nd King 6:15-17, he did the same thing that I’ve been guilty of (about 6 times in the past week if we’re gonna get really honest): His feet hit the floor and he says “Oh my lord, what shall we do?” The situation, as he saw it, was overwhelming but the guy that he worked for knew exactly where his trust was. Elisha tells him: “Don’t be afraid. Those who are with us are more than those who are with them.” If we can get that to inhabit our very beings, soul, mind, body, and spirit today, what could we possibly see out our window that’s too big for us to handle with God on our side? (Sara Wylie)
Who are you now?
It’s not important what we are when Jesus finds us, but it’s very important what we will “be” after He changes us. Every day of our lives, God is changing us into His image. We will find through the years, as we experience rough patches and hills and valleys that seem to never end, we are being refined. And if we allow God to work, we will find ourselves growing in love, kindness, gentleness, patience and self-control. How about you? Can you tell you’re changing? Lord, help us to let You change our lives in every area!
Withholding Forgiveness
Withholding forgiveness is the same as blatantly refusing to forgive. Our Father was quick to forgive us of every single sin and we need to be the same with others’ offenses against us. God doesn’t tell us to wait until He’s in the mood to forgive; He does it instantly. All we have to do is ask. Don’t be guilty of holding on to that forgiveness, waiting for the perfect time when you’re ready. It may never come and then you’re left with regret. (Sara Wylie)
What’s in a Name
What’s in a name? Your true identity, that’s what! God says you are redeemed. No matter what your parents named you, what you’ve been through, or how you feel about any of it, God says you are redeemed. says “redemption includes the ideas of loosing from a bond, setting free from captivity or slavery, buying back something lost or sold, exchanging something in one’s possession for something possessed by another, and ransoming.” I dare you to read through that definition five times. Your freedom is in your name. God said so. Don’t waste time today thinking anything else.
Let ‘Em Form!
Let the weapons form! God has told you that YOU are the one that will prosper. Don’t entertain the thoughts and old mindsets of past defeats. You are stronger than ever! Grab those thoughts that aren’t from your Creator. Now toss them out the window as you drive in the direction God points you to. He has specific plans and purposes just for you and He’s waiting for you to ask what they are. The enemy wants to distract you from that simple question by stealing your time, destroying your idea of truth, and killing your belief that you could ever win. You may have guessed this is a lie. Stop entertaining these lies and vigilantly watch the weapons forming. The lies won’t prosper. What more do you need to know?