Author: shbcadmin

Yesterday is over!

Yesterday is a completed work. It can never be re-done. Rehearsing it, reliving it and mulling over the “what ifs” will only bring torment. Don’t dwell on what was but set your sights on what can be! Life is waiting, laid out before you, full of many treasures and just waiting for you to put your mark on it!

By shbcadmin May 1, 2016 Off

Keep your Nose on your face!

If you are the self-appointed CEO of someone else’s business, don’t print up your business card just yet. God gives us enough…more than enough…of our own stuff to take care of without sticking our unwanted nose, advice, or opinions into the lives of others! Those whose lives you’ve been trying to orchestrate will thank me for this post!

By shbcadmin April 30, 2016 Off

Spiritual Laws

God’s kingdom has spiritual laws in place that we have to obey or it blocks the things God has for us. One of His spiritual laws is that faith is the currency of heaven. You can only “receive” what you are able to “believe”. Too many of us have missed out on what God had for us because we couldn’t “believe” without seeing.

By shbcadmin April 29, 2016 Off

Tough Life, Tougher God

Life is tough but it’s a whole lot easier with Jesus! The enemy will do everything to keep you defeated, depressed and full of fear. That’s not who you are! God created you with everything you need to walk through this life victoriously! The Bible says: Stand still and see the salvation (deliverance) of the Lord. You’ve got this because God is on your side!! So buck up, my friend, and keep moving forward fully assured that His Holy Spirit is IN you, directing your every step.

By shbcadmin April 28, 2016 Off

Just words!

Anybody can say “I love you”…just know that if they really love you, they won’t judge you, try to change you, manipulate you or try to convince you to do something you’re not comfortable with…love gives, encourages, cherishes, is patient and will always have your back! Pay attention and you can read their heart!

By shbcadmin April 27, 2016 Off

Words Unspoken

“Words unspoken” can fill a life with regrets. Sleepless nights, tears that won’t stop, always wondering what if! Take a minute today to speak those words that have gone unspoken way too long…I’m sorry, I love you, Let’s give it another try, You’re my best friend, Don’t leave! What is it that you need to say today?    

By shbcadmin April 26, 2016 Off