Dishing out Hurt
If you have to hurt other people to feel important or powerful, you are an extremely sad and weak individual. If you’re on the other end of that hurt, just know that the person dishing out the hurt is a damaged person who has been wounded somewhere along the way. Then forgive them and walk on…then pray for them and be glad God has brought you to where you are today.
You are Unique
For the person who has always felt out of place….for the one who has asked God why He made you the way He did…to the one who feels misunderstood and sometimes lonely…did it ever cross that your mind that He made you different than others because He wants you to stand out, not fit in. Never doubt for one minute that you aren’t someone special in His eyes, unique for a reason.
One day at a Time
You know, you don’t have to take this day all at once. You can take it one step, one breath, one moment at a time. You, my friend, are only one person. The things that need to get done will get done. The hurts you’re walking through will lessen with time. And the questions that weigh on your mind will one day have an answer. Take it slow.
Don’t Cling to Mistake
Don’t cling to a mistake just because you spent a lot of time making it. You can turn that ship around in an instant! Don’t spend a minute longer hiding from God or blaming Him because you got in a mess. Time to run to Jesus! Pretty simple…ask Him to forgive you and help you get your life back in shape.
Timing is Everything
Timing is everything in God’s kingdom. Sometimes God wants us first on the scene. You know the saying, the early bird gets the worm. But there are other times, He slows us down for a reason….remember, the second mouse gets the cheese! You will get there when you are meant to get there. So relax, breathe and be patient.
Good morning!
Morning is God’s way of saying “Hello, you have one more day to make a difference”. The best way to live life is to spend it watching for God ordained moments. They will change you and they will change the other person. There are no accidents in God’s kingdom. Just keep watching and God will move you from one place to another. And along the way, you will have impact.