A Worry Free Life

October 27, 2015 Off By shbcadmin

When you wake up every day, it’s a good idea to remember what the Bible says in Matthew 6:34 “ So don’t worry about tomorrow, because tomorrow will have its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today.” Each day has enough trouble of its own. I used to have a sign on my desk that said “I can handle one day at a time. It’s when two of them jump me at once that I have trouble”. Boy, can I relate to that! You and I were created to handle one day at a time. We have all been given 24 hours and during that time we receive exactly what we need. The children of Israel were told to gather manna for one day and one day only. God knew what they needed and He provided it. The best thing about the future is that we receive it one day at a time. So never look ahead at what you might need or fear you what you don’t have. God has already walked ahead of you, he has seen what you’ll need and knows exactly how to provide it for you. Throughout each day we make hundreds of choices, experience an unbelievable amount of emotions, and battle through thoughts that can make us or break us, depending on how we face them. If God showed us the full picture of our future, we would break under the weight. All He asks us to do is trust Him moment by moment. In Psalm 28:7, it says” The Lord is my strength and shield. I trust him, and he helps me. I am very happy, and I praise him with my song.”  It’s in those moments with Him that we receive our strength, our joy and our peace and exactly everything we need, enough for one day, this day!