Time To Soar
Here’s a word of wisdom for today! Never agree to crawl when you could soar! God has way too many “chickens” in His kingdom who keep their heads down and walk around in the barnyard! And you know as well as I do that the scenery isn’t too great down there! “Chickens” can’t seem to get above “SEE” level. And what they SEE is what they get. They are settling for so little when God has so much. I love the scripture in Psalms 3:3 that says…. “But You, O Lord, are a shield for me, My glory and the One who lifts up my head.” When we walk around with our heads down, our thoughts are on us and our troubles…its’ really hard to SEE beyond “OUR STUFF”. I had someone tell me something that made me think. He said that before he came to the nursing home, he had so many friends. But after he when I got there, they forgot about him. It broke my heart…What happened? Out of sight, out of mind. Our mind gets stuck on what’s happening in our little world. BUT God is looking for people who will look up and say “I refuse to spend any more time thinking about ME and my junk. If God is looking for people to get out of the barnyard and FLY, then I’m going for it. Heads up for me!” When God can turn your eyes away from yourself and onto the world around you, He can whisper in your spirit when He has a job for you. The Bible says when you wait upon the Lord (tie yourself up with Him), you will mount up with wings as eagles. Eagles are on the endangered list….in the natural world AND in the spirit realm! It’s time to get above “SEE” level and look, by faith, at the things that God wants to show those who are willing to soar with Him. Come on, all you eagles. Let’s begin to soar!