Hello Jonah

August 31, 2016 Off By shbcadmin

 God allowed Jonah to change lives before Jonah had even changed his mind; before he decided to do what his Creator asked. The men who threw Jonah overboard not only offered sacrifices to a God they had just “met,” they made vows to Him. This was common practice back in the day to pray and make vows, “usually involving thank offerings.” (NIV Study Bible)
So, as a recap, we’ve got a storm that changes everyone’s course, (sound familiar?) and a God that not only changes hearts and circumstances, but makes an unbelievable point in the process: Lo, I am with you always. (Matthew 28:20)
Even when your mind is a mess. Even when you can’t bear the thought of doing what is asked. Even when you’re so exhausted from running that you can sleep through the biggest storm in your lifetime.
See, that storm didn’t compare to the turmoil wrenching Jonah’s gut. The inner storm that whirled exhausted him, making it impossible to stay awake.  That’s the only way he could’ve snoozed through anything at that point. It certainly wasn’t because he was at peace. Sure, he may have told himself he was making the right choice. (Have you been there?) “Yep, God would hassle me more if He really wanted me to do that. Ok just wait for a sign.” Hello, Jonah. 🙂
This man probably hadn’t slept or slept well in a very long time. Arguing with God takes effort and energy. And I don’t think I have to inform you of Who (capital “W,” there’s your hint) wins the argument. It’s the One able to create individuals and storms and individuals who can withstand storms. He’s the One Who can cause crazy things to happen like a fish large enough to swallow human beings to do just that. And if there’s even an inkling of doubt, or a voice in your head that says, “Great story, but…” 1. Ask yourself why you can’t believe. 2. Ask God to show up super-whale-size-HUGE in your life. 3. Ask forgiveness. Doubt can only hinder your relationship with the One you most NEED a relationship with. God holds you, through this and every storm. Let’s do our best to see that before the whale heads our way. Sara Wylie