God’s Love…So Much More

August 1, 2016 Off By shbcadmin

Oh how I wish I could explain God’s love for you, in the darkest, loneliest corner of your mind, He is there; waiting on you.

You sit there with your head in your hands feeling alone, burdened, overwhelmed, messed up, ashamed, unworthy. You don’t know how God could possibly take care of you again…. still….. or forgive you.  You feel as though you have lost everything; maybe you have.

You’ve tried it all and every time you end up right back where you are.  The enemy knows you so well, he knows your weakness and he grabs you on a bad day, when the door is barely left open, he invites himself in.  He comes to kill, steal, and destroy. (John 10:10) and he is.

But you know where your peace comes from.  You know when you were washed in the water and came up a new man or woman in Christ….old things are supposed to be put away, a new life is supposed to begin….but its hard, really, really hard to follow Jesus. It wasn’t meant  to be easy… His death wasn’t easy…..but His blood washed us clean.

Maybe you’re mad at God because you think He failed you.  He gives us the power to choose, we know right from wrong, He doesn’t leave. We do.

His arms are open….. His hands are spread wide… just one step toward Him and let Him do the rest….  Just. One. Step.

Here is how I feel God’s reply would be to you:

” Oh my child, I have searched you and known you. I know you’re sitting down and your rising up; I understand your thoughts afar off.  I  comprehend your path and your lying down and are acquainted with all of your ways.  For there is not a word on your tongue, but behold my child I know it all together.

I have had you behind Me and before, and laid My hand upon you. Such knowledge is too wonderful for you it is high, you cannot attain it.
Where can you go from My spirit or where can you flee from My presence? If you ascend into heaven, I am there if you made your bed in hell, behold I am there. If you take the wings of the morning and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea even there your hand shall lead you and My hand shall hold you.

If you say, “Surely the darkness shall fall on me,” even the night shall be like about me; indeed, the darkness shall not hide from Me. But the night shines as the day the darkness and the light are both alike to Me.

For I formed your inward parts, I covered you in your mother’s womb. You will praise me, for you are fearfully and wonderfully made; marvelous are My works. And that your soul knows very well your frame was not hidden from Me.

When you were made in secret, and skillfully wrought in the lowest parts of the earth. My eyes saw your substance, being yet unformed. And in My book they were all written. The day’s fashioned for you, when as yet there were none of them.

How precious also are my thoughts to you My child!  How great is the sum of them!
If you should count them, they would be more in number than the sand; when you awake, you are still with Me.”
I have searched you my child and know your heart;
I have tried you and know your anxieties;
And see if there are any wicked ways in you.
And I’ll Lead You In the way Everlasting.” (Debi Camp)