Peace Wonderfyl Peace
Peace….there are people who would give all they had just to have peace in their life! Do you know that there is a peace that God can give you that is so amazing that no matter what is happening AROUND you, it’s not happening IN you? Chaos on the outside, peace on the inside! I love the scripture in the Bible that says “He will keep me in perfect peace when my mind is stayed (or anchored) on Him.” Believe me, whatever you go through in life, it’s not worth getting angry, fussing with your family, walking in drama, or flying mad. The next time you get an “opportunity” to blow sky high and rant and rave, remember this thought… I REFUSE to lose my peace! It’s a great feeling to get a good night’s sleep, walk with a bounce in your step, and live in a state of peace and joy! And boy does the enemy hate to see that happen. It’s his goal to make you miserable. He will “rattle your cage”, doing anything and everything to get you to react. He usually uses those closest to you to do it too…I’m talking family and friends here…or other drivers or clerks, anybody and everybody. Don’t fall for it! Keep your eyes on Jesus and not on the problem, guarding your peace at all cost. You may have to say this to yourself repeatedly until you think it automatically….”Nothing is going to take me away from my peace.” The Bible assures us of peace if we follow a few easy suggestions: In Philippians 4, it says: “Pray about everything. He longs to hear your requests, so talk to God about your needs and be thankful for what has come 7 and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”