What Are You Scared Of?
There is nothing more paralyzing than fear. It stops us dead in our tracks. Fear of the unknown, fear of things from your past, fear of tomorrow, fear of people, fear of speaking in public (my personal favorite) J Fear of changing careers, fear of __________________ (add yours here) Satan uses fear to keep us locked in a really small room inside our minds. We can’t fully trust when we have “what if” running through our minds like a broken record. We have to replace the enemy’s ever so convincing voice with the life giving, power filling, healing, victorious word of God. That is the ONLY thing that can and will break us free from those chains.
When you can bring a Bible verse to mind that counteracts what Satan is trying to accomplish, you become stronger and stronger. His Word is life. It is truth and calm when things seem to be spiraling out of control. It’s like a breath when we feel like we are suffocating. Memorizing some verses is SO IMPORTANT!!
Don’t let anyone tell you that your fears are foolish. If it matters to you, it matters to God. God knows how real it is to some of us or He wouldn’t have put so many verses in the Bible regarding it. Jesus’ time on earth was to understand what we deal with and are faced with. His time on the Cross was to give us freedom from those things. Oh how He loves us! <3
Begin to ask God to change your heart. Ask someone to pray for you about a specific need. God loves when we pray specifically ,so pray in detail, it shows we trust Him!
God is greater than anything and everything. Speak life over yourself and those chains will soon fall away. (Debi Camp)
Psalm 34:4 “I prayed to the Lord, and He answered me. He freed me from ALL my fears.”