Keep Mouth Shut
Love has never been a matter of luck. It’s mutual giving, compromise, shared dreams, care, respect mercy and a whole lot of patience. Heavy on the patience AND keeping one’s mouth shut!
Keep Moving
Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you have to keep moving…go too slow or stop and you fall over! Best thing you can do is keep moving forward in life.
Thankful for My Blessings
At the end of the day, I’m thankful that my blessings are bigger than my problems. How about you?
They Hurt You
I know they hurt your feelings. They said something hateful and it did something inside you. Broken and crushed you can hardly look at that person. And their words keep playing over and over in your mind. The more you rehash those words, the more ingrained they become. It’s time to change your thoughts. Speak opposite what they said to you. If they said you were ugly and nobody loves you, then you say I am beautiful and loved. It’s a matter of wiping out the bad and thinking on the good.