Life is not about “capacity” but it’s about “compassion”. The first focuses on self, but the second focuses on others. So time to shift your focus. It makes all the difference. Ephesians 4:32.
It’s a Rumor
I just heard a rumor that the first 5 days after the weekend are the hardest. Good thing THIS is the day that the Lord has made. Try rejoicing! Makes those 5 days a whole lot easier. Psalm 118:24.
Delete don’t Replay
Your mind replays what the heart can’t delete. Is your mind stuck on something? Check your heart. If you hold on to something, it will appear in your mind, good or bad!
Who are You Hanging With?
The people you surround yourself with determine the person you will become. Check out the people you’re hanging with and then make some serious decisions. Are they what you want to be like?
Wrong Thoughts
Wrong thoughts that you carry day after day…bad thoughts that wake you in the night…thoughts that torment you will weigh you down and take you to depression. Be very careful what you allow to flourish in your mind because they will become your future.