Bad Days, Good Life
Don’t let your bad days trick you into thinking you have a bad life. Everybody has speedbumps in their life. Some are minor but others shake you to your core. Just know that “this too shall pass”. God has His hand on you even when you can’t see it or feel it!
Creator or Critic?
Who are you listening to? Creator or critics? The critics will definitely be the loudest! They can tell you everything that’s wrong with you or what’s wrong with what you are doing. But the Creator? He loves to tell you how special you are, how loved you are and how blessed you are. Who are you listening to? This is a no-brainer folks!!
Get Me Out of the Box
Some people will only love you if you fit into their box. Don’t’ be afraid to disappoint. They try to do that to God too. He doesn’t like it any better than you do!
They Walked Out
They walked out the door. I know it wasn’t fair. I know it shouldn’t have happened. I know it still causes you pain. But know this. Life didn’t stop. There are good things in your future. Just keep your eyes looking ahead!
Are You Different?
Are you different than other people? Do you sometimes feel isolated and weird? Let me remind you of something: “And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music “. Not everybody is the same. We weren’t meant to be. Just because people don’t always understand you doesn’t mean you’re wrong. It just means God created you in HIS image, not in THEIR image. Genesis 1:27.
What Does Word Say
You know what your neighbor says. You know what your best friend says. You even know what your family says. But the bottom line is this: Do you know what God’s Word says? The Bible says His Word will accomplish what He pleases. Isaiah 55:10