Blessings Can Come from a No
If you live long enough, you’ll find out that not getting what you want can be a blessing. Oh, the things I asked for that would have been such a bad choice. I didn’t think so at the time. But thank God, He said no and gave me what He wanted and it took me to a very good place. So thank God when He says yes and when He says no.
One Time Shot
Life is a one- time offer. No dress rehearsals. No second chances. God has laid down a path full of good things for us to do. We have a chance to walk on that path and make it an amazing life. So stay close to Him and live it well.
Smile Awhile
Smiles are contagious. Why not try one? It will do several things: It will make the world a brighter place, spread a little joy AND shift your mood from ho-hum to wowzer!
Best of Your Life
Make the rest of your life the best of your life. Stay happy. Don’t waste energy on things you can’t control or change. In case you don’t know it, that includes all the people in your life. Love them like they are or cut them lose. {FYI, Jesus says love them}
Curve Balls and Speed Bumps
What you may or may not have does not define who or Whose you are. God’s plan takes time to unfold. There will be speed bumps, curve balls and head spinning moments. But when His plan unfolds, it will be amazing.